• ACloudGuru Exam Simulator Resource Review

    Resource Review: A Cloud Guru Exam Simulator Cloud certifications are a popular way to advance your career, but the tests are intimidating. The recommended literature is long and hard to follow and the prep courses are helpful, but they don’t always leave you feeling fully prepared. The tests are expensive...

  • Building South Carolina Trivia

    After I finished building Gaffney Facts, I was eager to create another skill. I wanted to build a more complicated skill, but I wasn’t ready to start from scratch. As part of the A Cloud Guru Alexa course I built a trivia skill, so I thought that might be a...

  • Building my First Alexa Skill

    The Amazon Echo is an amazing tool that utilizes AWS. These little speakers can play music, set alarms, search the internet, and much more. To extend the functionality of Echo’s and the Alexa platform, Amazon introduced Alexa skills. What are Skills? Skills are like apps on your phone or programs...